Weekly Raw Roundup – 09.03- 09.09

Another good week of new raw episodes. Here are my previews for the week of September 9-16. (Image taken from Dawn of the Dragon)
Broadcast the Buzz:


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Between Fate and Fortune – Episode 35

Remember how I said that Gitae and Dojun look too alike? Well, apparently Jinwoo has noticed it too, although he’s in denial about it.

Speaking of Jinwoo, it’s nice to see him. Looks like it’s been a week since the incident at the hospital, and he’s staying with Gitae. During this episode, Jinwoo explains his gambling debt history to Gitae… it sounds like a complicated story, so I’ll wait for the official translation before I comment.

I will comment, however, on the fact that Gitae seems to have developed a crush on Jinwoo. I mean, why else would he grab one of Jinwoo’s sweaters when he’s not home and drape it over his head?

Dawn, Clouds, River / Dawn of the Dragon – Episode 37

Our baby dragon is slowly warming up to Taehyuk. And bless Taehyuk for being so patient with him. Hyo-un was refusing to join Taehyuk for a meal, so Taehyuk decided to bring the meal to him.

Later on in the episode, Taehyuk goes off to visit a distant village. While he’s gone, Hyo-un removes a bunch of Taehyuk’s clothes from a chest of drawers and sleeps on them. (HOW CUTE!!!) That night, while Taehuk hasn’t returned yet, Hyo-un hears voices outside and from what they’re saying, the men aren’t there to do good.

I really don’t want to see Hyo-un get abused any more, so I hope Taehyuk comes back in time.

Define the Relationship – Episode 75

Before their meeting with Karlyle’s grandfather, Karlyle goes to Ash’s workplace to pick him up. He also does this to “undo” the last memory of the place since the last time he was there, the two of them broke up.

When Ash greets him, Karlyle notices that Ash’s coworkers are behind him, so Karlyle decides to introduce himself. He uses his radiant smile that he normally only uses for business meetings (a point which is webtoon neglects to mention), which shocks the group, Ash included.

Honey Bear – Episode 29

Finally, after three (or four?) episodes, Geonwoo and Hajin’s first night together is over. For me, the star of this episode is Geonwoo’s dog, Peanut.

A few episodes ago, when Geonwoo and Hajin are getting busy, we see Peanut put a wrist sweatband over his ears and eyes for “noise-cancelling” purposes.

See, I’m telling you, this webtoon is too funny.

Anyway, Peanut is keeping Hajin company while he sleeps, with his butt facing towards Hajin’s face (as a dog owner myself, I can confirm this is 1000% what they do). When Hajin starts stirring, Peanut licks his face, then jumps off the bed with the thought, “Ok my job is done. I checked he’s alive.” I love this webtoon’s humor sooooooo much.

Minmotion – Episode 68

IT’S THE SERIES FINALE?! There has to be side stories. It would be cruel if there wasn’t because you can’t end the webtoon like this!!!

Most of the episode is Jae-in and Taeyoon being cute, but at the end, we get a flashback. Baby Taeyoon is being consoled by his father, when suddenly a car stops in front of them. As a guard yells at them to leave, a teenage Choi Junghyuk steps out. There’s dialogue from Taeyoon’s dad begging for Taeyoon to meet the chairman just once.

Um… excuse me? That can only mean one thing: Taeyoon and that bastard Junghyuk are half-brothers?!?!?!?! SIS.

The Ghost’s Nocturne – Episode 48

LOOK AT THIS HANDSOME M*THCERF*CKER. I know I’ve mostly drooled after Jaeshin when covering The Ghost’s Nocturne, but the crown prince is also quite a looker. This is the first time (aside from the season two promo illustration) that we see him with his hair down, and he looks SO GOOD.

There was a really cute scene where during their night walk (which turned out to be non-eventful since they didn’t go into town like I was worried they would), Nok accidentally pushes Jaeshin into a pond, which of course results in Jaeshin pulling his highness into the pond with him. In this scene, it looks like they’re back in Nok’s chambers where things are starting to get steamy again.