Beware the Ides of March – Episode 49

Nakwon thinks that his current accommodations might actually be a torture room. Lieutenant Seo gets closer to finding the perp. And Mokhwa does something a little out of character.
Broadcast the Buzz:

I just learned, looking at Manga-Updates, that this series started as a novel????


How did I not know this?! The novel is exclusively on Ridibooks, and as per my usual, I’m eyeing it. Even though, also as usual, there’s no English translation. I guess I can use it as learning material for my Korean language studies? You know, when I get to the point I can read at that level like in… 5-10 years? Ahahahaah *sighs*


Last we saw these two, Nakwon and Mokhwa had just gone to bed after their modest New Year celebration. Mokhwa is out like a lamp instantly, and unbeknownst to him, Nakwon is now next to him having an internal debate. Touching Mokhwa a little wouldn’t hurt right?

But right before his fingers graze Mokhwa’s face, Nakwon quickly draws back. Then, like a little kid, he flips himself over on his side and squeezes his eyes shut, trying to fight off the temptation. Just a few hours ago, Nakwon was thanking his lucky stars (and even thanking his attacker) for getting him to where he gets to share a space with Mokhwa. Now, he’s realizing that this might be torture, not a blessing.

The next day, Inspector Kim goes back to work. His mood certainly doesn’t match that of the rest of the department. All the other officers are wishing each other Happy New Year, and Nakwon’s just sitting at his desk looking like a hot mess. Lieutenant Seo, concerned for Nakwon’s health, considers that maybe the inspector is in a lot of pain. After all, Nakwon doesn’t only look tired, but he also isn’t acting himself. When Leiutenant Seo reminds him that he can’t smoke, Nakwon puts the unlit cigarette down without snapping back with a sarcastic remark.

Lieutenant Seo relays the information they’ve managed to gather so far on Nakwon’s attacker. Turns out the perpetrator had ditched his jacket not too far from the crime scene, so they sent it to the forensics team to analyze it. Furthermore, none of the gangs that Nakwon has handled cases against have enough clout to attack an officer of the law. So the forensic results of the jacket is going to be key in figuring out who’s the culprit.

Back at the flower shop, Mokhwa asks one of the ahjumas if she’s seen anyone suspicious loitering around the area, but she denies it. Mokhwa speculates that since no one odd has been seen in the area, whomever the attacker was and the organization he works for has no idea about Nakwon’s connection to Mokhwa and the flower shop. He decides to pick up his flip phone (lol) and call Wonil to check if anything’s been going on lately. This, Mokhwa thinks, is what he has to do to protect Nakwon.


I’m so proud of Nakwon for resisting the temptation. I mean, Mokhwa was literally right there. Any normal person would have no issue keeping their hands to themselves, but this is Nakwon we’re talking about. This is huge for him. Remember back at his vacation home, where he kissed Mokhwa while Mokhwa was sleeping in bed, delirious with a fever? Yup, Nakwon has come a long way.

Mokhwa is actually the one who surprised me the most in this episode because he’s now taking an active interest in Nakwon’s safety. For most of the season so far, Mokhwa has been more concerned about the why of Nakwon’s actions and has never really given any thought about the man himself. But Nakwon’s near-death really must have shocked his system. I suspect this is where we’ll start to see Mokhwa care more and more for Nakwon. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see!

Read Beware the Ides of March on Lezhin

Series Details

Original Title: 3월의 보름을 조심하라
Alternate Titles: Beware the Full Moon in March
Author: Stan
Choi Song