While Mokhwa’s washing the dishes, Nakwon casually mentions that his stitches were removed today. Internally, Nakwon contemplates about telling Mokhwa that he also learned his attack was a case of mistaken identity and his life isn’t in danger. However, Nakwon grapples with the fear that disclosing this information would bring their cohabitating to an end. He knows that withholding this information is equivalent to lying, yet before he can say anything more, Mokhwa asks Nakwon about what he would like to eat for dinner next. Inwardly, Nakwon sadly realizes that there may not be a “next time.”

The two turn in for the night earlier than usual, leaving Nakwon to his thoughts. He thinks about the time he’s spent living with Mokhwa, and realizes that despite the lacking facilities, he’s enjoyed being there and can’t stand the thought of being far apart from Mokhwa.
Nakwon props himself up onto his right elbow and admires Mokhwa’s sleeping form. Whispering, Nakwon tells Mokhwa that his steadfast loyalty is one of the reasons why he likes him. However, it’s that same loyalty that stirs Nakwon’s apprehension. If Mokhwa knew that Nakwon’s life wasn’t in danger, would he have no problem abandoning him? Even if everything Mokhwa has shown him is just an illusion that he cares, Nakwon wants to keep Mokhwa by his side.

The big burly shop owner awakens, startling the inspector as he hovers inches away from the now awake Mokhwa. At a loss for words, Nakwon freezes. How is he supposed to explain what he’s doing?
Then, a memory flashes through Mokhwa’s mind. A similar scene between the two of them happened before, that other time they were at the motel together. After an intimate moment, Mokhwa returned from a shower to find that Nakwon disappeared suddenly, leaving only a note that said something had come up. Remembering the note, Mokhwa finally asks the startled Nakwon what exactly he meant by “something came up.”
Season one Nakwon wouldn’t have cared about lying by omission. In fact, he would’ve used that to his benefit if he was still the old Nakwon. Here, though, it clearly bothers him that he hasn’t told Mokhwa the truth about his attack. Yet another sign (however small) that Nakwon has changed for the good.

Watching Mokhwa while he sleeps, though, is weird to me. Maybe because I believe the only time you should watch someone while they sleep is if you’re a caretaker, I found this scene kinda… well, creepy is too harsh of a word. It’s just that I wouldn’t do what Nakwon was doing. But then we wouldn’t have gotten this scene or a somewhat direct confession from Nakwon, right?
Read Beware the Ides of March on Lezhin
Original Title: 3월의 보름을 조심하라
Alternate Titles: Beware the Full Moon in March
Author: Stan
Artist: Choi Song
Publisher: Lezhin
Audience: NSFW