Beware the Ides of March – Episode 56-58 (Season 2 Finale) Discussion

Nakwon bares his soul and Mokhwa makes a choice. The decision will forever change the dynamic of their relationship.
Broadcast the Buzz:

Sometimes I forget the webtoons I read are rated 19+ especially when there’s a long stretch of episodes with no mature scenes. Then, it gets to an episode with explicit content, and I just don’t know what to say. This is exactly the case for Beware the Ides of March. Every episode of season two, with the exception of these last three, have been without any explicit scenes, so covering it has been a breeze. But now, for more reasons that we’ll see below, these three episodes have been quite the challenge for me.

Summary of Episodes

Content Warning: This review contains descriptions of explicit sexual activity between two adults. This content is intended for mature audiences and may not be suitable for all readers. Reader discretion is advised.

Last we left these two, Mokhwa had asked Nakwon about the events that took place the last time they were at a motel together. Nakwon, thinking back to that night, realizes that Mokhwa never got angry with him then, so he reasons that Mokhwa must not have detested the experience. Seeing that Mokhwa seems so unfazed by bringing up the past, Nakwon tests his luck by touching Mokhwa’s shoulder. When the ex-convict doesn’t push him away, Nakwon starts nuzzling him.

Mokhwa’s surprised at Nakwon’s audacity. The fool is in a cast and it would only take one squeeze of his arm to make the inspector keel over in pain. However, the expression on Nakwon’s face gives Mokhwa pause. He’s making the same face he did back then at the hotel.

Nakwon decides to push further and starts groping Mokhwa’s chest. He continues his exploration of Mokhwa’s body, but once Nakwon reaches below the belt, Mokhwa snatches Nakwon’s hand to stop him. The flower shop owner reminds the inspector that he no longer has any information to give him.

Surprise turns to hurt on Nakwon’s face. He’s reminded again of his past actions against Mokhwa. Nakwon’s thrust back into reality, remembering that to Mokhwa, he’ll always be the aggressor. He tells Mokhwa to hit him if he hates him, which elicits a disapproving glare from the former convict. As Nakwon is deep in thought, his hand that has grabbed Mokhwa’s starts to tremble.

A confused Mokhwa looks at Nakwon, who has an indescribable look on his face, so much so that Mokhwa questions if the person in front of him is really Nakwon. Nakwon, acknowledging that this is the last possible chance he has to be honest, decides to tell the truth. Tearful, Nakwon confesses that he loves Mokhwa.

No one has ever said those words to Mokhwa before, so he’s unsure of how to respond. He can tell something is different. Mokhwa thinks that maybe this time is unlike the other times where Nakwon pushed himself onto him. Nakwon was just like all those other people who’ve tried to break him in the past. But this is different. For once in his life, Mokhwa has the power of choice. He can act accordingly to how he feels. There’s no big boss to answer to or underlings to command.

And so, in this moment, he chooses to continue.

In disbelief of his own blubbering confession, Nakwon proceeds to satisfy Mokhwa orally before eventually satisfying his own pleasure by entering Mokhwa. He showers Mokhwa with “I love you’s,” and it’s clear that the former convict is having a hard time withstanding the discomfort. Pain is eventually replaced by pleasure for Mokhwa as the two continue on to climax together. Mokhwa slips quickly into sleep as Nakwon showers him with kisses and more “I love you’s.”

The next morning, Mokhwa awakens to a new set of pajamas on him, a brighter room, and a way-too-cheery Nakwon serving him boiled eggs. As the two eat breakfast, Nakwon finally reveals that his attack was a case of mistaken identity and that his life isn’t in danger. With that said, the inspector says that he wants to still live together even though he’s not in danger. After a beat, Mokhwa suggests they get ready for work, expertly dodging having to answer Nakwon’s suggestion.

While on the train, Mokhwa admits to himself that Nakwon’s suggestion of living together isn’t something to take lightly. However, even though Mokhwa is unsure about their living situation, what he is sure of is that he wants to be with Nakwon. Honestly, that fact was decided for him long ago. As the two climb the escalator, Mokhwa admits to himself that although he can’t accept all of Nakwon’s feelings for him yet, he’d never shake off the hand that is holding his.

My Takeaways

I saw a comment that described this sex scene between Nakwon and Mokhwa as morally grey, and I don’t think there’s a better description for it than that.

As the audience, we have the privilege of being privy to both characters’ thoughts and that alone is paramount to the moral dynamics of this scene. What do I mean? Just stay with me here.

Majority of Beware the Ides of March is told from Nakwon’s point of view, but every so often, we’re also given insight into Mokhwa’s thoughts. Actually, I feel like we’ve gotten more insight into how Mokhwa feels this season than the last. And knowing how he feels and what he’s thinking is vital to the situation, especially in episode 57.

Mokhwa is conscious of the fact that not only is Nakwon different in this moment, but that he is different as well. For the first time in his life, he has power. He has the ability to choose. And we see him, just by one little sentence split into two different thought bubbles, that he is choosing to allow Nakwon to continue.

This is, by far, the most important panel of these three episodes.

Mokhwa has drastically changed the dynamic of this scene by just this one sentence. Without this sentence and without Mokhwa’s inner monologue, I would firmly be in the camp of believers that this sex scene is nothing more than another instance of Nakwon forcing himself on Mokhwa.

But with this panel, that’s not the case. This is Mokhwa deciding that he doesn’t NOT like what’s happening and he doesn’t NOT like Nakwon. The problem is, this is an internal decision by Mokhwa. He hasn’t said this aloud; he hasn’t given his vocal consent to Nakwon.

And, to me, that’s what makes this scene so morally grey.

My initial reaction to this scene was one of discomfort. Mokhwa is clearly not enjoying himself at first. He’s visibly in pain when Nakwon first enters him and remains in pain for a bit. He eventually comes to enjoy himself as well, but by the time Mokhwa starts to feel pleasure, for me as the reader, it was difficult to get the previous panels of him hurting out of my head.

Ideally, I would have liked to see an actual conversation between these two characters about their past, and I would have liked to see an actual verbal exchange of consent. However, that kind of scene would be so completely outside of either character’s comfort zone. Actually, it not only would be outside of their comfort zone, but it would plainly be out of character.

While those are my thoughts on these characters, I feel it my duty to point out that the bottom line is this a fictional couple. This is a fictional story. In real life, in real interactions between partners, consent is vital. Remember that the absence of no does not equal yes. Don’t be like Mokhwa and Nakwon.

All in all, I’ve really enjoyed this season of Beware the Ides of March. After the last season, I really didn’t think that I would ever come to truly like Nakwon, but this season proved me wrong. He still has a long way to go, but he’s made major strides into not being an asshole… at least to Mokhwa. Being an asshole to his co-workers is another story. And Mokhwa has grown too. He’s no longer super stoic and will reveal his thoughts and feelings, even going so far as to argue with Nakwon. Can’t wait to see what next season will bring.


Original Title: 3월의 보름을 조심하라
Alternate Titles: Beware the Full Moon in March
Author: Stan
Choi Song
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