Dawn of the Dragon – Episode 33 (Season 2 Premiere)

Hyun ascends to the throne. Taehyuk comes upon a child in distress.
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The last panel of Dawn of the Dragon’s season one finale was an image of a man who looks exactly like Taehyuk in traditional Korean clothing, confirming what we’ve suspected all along: Taehyuk is Hyo-un’s mate from the past. Season two opens with that very same Taehyuk, and we jump right into a flashback into a time from long ago.

Times are hard: there’s rampant famine and the people were suffering greatly. A 21-year-old Yoo Hyun slaughters the tyrannical king to save the people and start anew. Hyun, however, doesn’t stop at the King; he kills everyone in line for the throne. The only person he spares is Yoo Taehyuk, a family member from the same clan whom the narrative voice refers to as Hyun’s “weakness.”

Hyun ascends to the throne, and during his reign, his obsession with Taehyuk, which has been apparent since they were children, intensifies. The King controls every aspect of Taehyuk’s life, from the friends he keeps to where he lives to the woman he marries. After his father is killed for opposing Hyun’s ascension, Taehyuk runs away. He’s had enough. He would rather have his freedom than live under Hyun’s thumb, even if it means living like a beggar.

After hiding out in a cave for a month, Taehyuk finds his way to a remote village. When he arrives, instead of a bustling village full of people, he finds a ghost town. There are piles of clothes on the ground everywhere, but no bodies. Thinking that the villagers fell victim to some kind of plague, Taehyuk sets off again.

While traveling through the forest, however, he comes across a small child. The child with long black hair wearing dirtied white underclothes is lying face down in the river, motionless. And this, folks, is the moment Taehyuk meets Hyo-un for the first time.


The English translation for season two is here!!!! I’m so excited. The Korean version is about five episodes ahead, and there’s so much that has happened so far. With the official translation out, I can finally understand everything that’s happening. I mean, I’ve been able to follow the story even with the MTL translations, but the official version trumps the MTL version any day.

So Hyun and Taehyuk’s relationship goes way back, huh? (Can I just say I find it kind of funny that they have the EXACT same names? I get that this was probably done so it won’t confuse the reader but still.) This sheds a new light on the scene in season one when Taehyuk asked Hyun if he’s ever going to get tired of meddling in his affairs. When I first read that episode, I found it odd that Hyun had to take a beat before replying. Maybe it means that Hyun’s aware of their history and past lives?

Interestingly, it’s hinted that Hyun’s in love with Taehyuk. Or at least, that’s what I take it as. After learning that Hyun has been obsessive over Taehyuk since they were kids, we also learn through a couple of gossiping court ladies that the King hadn’t visited the Queen’s chambers since they got married. Hyun takes no interest in the queen but is overly invested (such an understatement) in Taehyuk. Hm. Interesting.

And what a way to introduce Hyo-un! It’s a shock to the system to see Hyo-un face down in the river like that. At this point in the story, although the reader knows nothing else, it’s obvious that Hyo-un has had it hard. Our poor baby dragon.

Read Dawn of the Dragon on Lezhin.


Original Title: 새벽, 구름, 강

Alternate Title: Dawn, Clouds, River

Author/Artist: Majeungji

English Publisher: Lezhin

Audience: NSFW