Define the Relationship – Episode 73

Ash can barely contain himself in Karlyle’s presence, and Karlyle decides to try on Ash’s clothes for research purposes.
Broadcast the Buzz:
Two male characters looking at each other with a blush on their faces

It’s still morning, and Ash and Karlyle are still in bed. Karlyle, from the events of last episode, is feeling a little sleepy again and wants Ash to stay with him. Ash can barely contain himself because Karlyle is being so unbearably cute. He showers Karlyle with kisses, and the two of them decide to stay in bed for just a little while longer.

Finally at 9AM, they both start getting ready for the day. While Ash is in the shower, Karlyle takes stock of his surroundings. He’s spent his whole vacation with Ash, and the evidence of that is all around him. Their watches sit together on the dresser. Their toothbrushes are side-by-side in the bathroom. It’s like they’re living together, and Karlyle couldn’t be happier.

Male character is black hair holding the sleeve of a light blue long-sleeve collared shirt hanging in the closet

Karlyle decides to prepare some clothes for when Ash gets out of the shower. But a thought creeps into his mind of this bliss with Ash ending suddenly. When his eyes land on Ash’s new dresser, he snaps out of it. Ash had offered Karlyle use of the dresser. Ash wouldn’t have done that if he didn’t enjoy Karlyle being in his space, right? Then, Karlyle’s attention shifts to the closet where another tell-tale sign of their time together lies: their clothes hang next to each other’s in the closet.

Since Ash is still in the shower, Karlyle decides to do something he wouldn’t ordinarily do. Telling himself he needs to know what size Ash wears for future gift giving opportunities, Karlyle slips on Ash’s shirt. He takes notice that their shoulders fit the same but that Ash’s sleeves are longer. Unbeknownst to Karlyle, while he’s taking inventory of Ash’s clothing, Ash has finished with his shower. He approaches Karlyle from behind and asks what he’s doing. Karlyle, caught red-handed, freezes in place.


Normally, this kind of overly fluffy and sickeningly sweet content makes me roll my eyes. However, this is Ash and Karlyle we’re talking about. I love these characters so much, so I’ll give them a pass. In fact, I actually think it’s adorable. I’m also living for the perpetual blushes that the both of them wear on their faces whenever they’re in each other’s presence. They’re just so in love with each other, it’s the sweetest thing.

Head shot of male character with messy dark gray hair with

I have to say that I’m so, so proud of Karlyle. In the closet scene, when a negative thought crosses his mind, Karlyle is able to pull himself out of it and remind himself that it’s useless to have those kinds of catastrophizing thoughts. This is a huge change for him. He used to wallow in these negative thoughts and even let them get the best of him. As someone who also suffers from anxiety, I can relate to having negative thoughts like these, and I also know how hard it is to stop yourself. To see Karlyle’s growth in this area makes me so happy.

Now here comes my main criticism for this episode. As much as it pains me to say this, I have to admit that episodes 72 and 73 really could have been combined. There wasn’t a lot in terms of plot in either episode, so the pacing feels little drawn out. I’m not completely mad about it; this just means that there’s more DTR content overall. I think I’m just getting impatient because I know what’s coming and it’s such good stuff, that I just can’t wait.

Read Define the Relationship on Lezhin.

Series Details

Original Title: 디파인 더 릴레이션십

Author(s): Flona / Haeyun

Artist: Chada

Publisher: Lezhin

Audience: NSFW