Define the Relationship – Episode 79 Recap

Karlyle manages to stand his ground. Marquis Gordon comes in clutch. Ash apologizes for his actions.

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Episode Recap

Karlyle fights to maintain his composure in front of the group. He knows that if it were just him and his grandfather, he would have been slapped across the face by now for talking back. But standing his ground, Karlyle urges Marquis Frost not to speak to his partner in such a way. Diffusing the situation, Marquis Gordon praises how Karlyle is so self-assured. He reminds Karlyle’s grandfather of their meeting with the Duke later today, and that he shouldn’t let his mood sour.

Hearing the conversation, Karlyle posits that perhaps Sir Gordon is there to establish the political connection Marquis Frost wanted that was lost when Karlyle broke his engagement. Taking the hint, Marquis Gordon then excuses both Ash and Karlyle. As Ash gets up from his seat, he promises that he’ll take care of Karlyle better than anyone else. He holds his hand out to Karlyle and the two walk out of the room hand-in-hand.

Sir Gordon follows them out into the hallway, where Karlyle immediately apologizes to the marquis who gently brushes off the remorseful remark. After all, nobility like Marquis Frost are raised conservative-minded and never really break out of that mindset. Ash steps forward and apologizes as well, which Marquis Gordon promptly waves off again. He admits that he’s just glad that Ash has found him again and that he could do something for Ash.

Ash then shifts his attention back to Karlyle. Reaching towards his face with trembling hands, Ash apologizes for his behavior. He just couldn’t help himself when he saw how Marquis Frost treated Karlyle. Watching the affectionate moment between the two, Marquis Frost politely excuses himself. Before he leaves, he turns to Karlyle and asks about the favor they had previously agreed upon. As a confused Ash looks on, Sir Gordon tells Karlyle he’d like to call upon that favor now.

My TakeawayS

I wonder how this whole situation even happened. Since Sir Gordon mentions being grateful that Ash found him again, it makes me think that Ash directly asked for his help with Marquis Frost. When did that conversation happen, you think? During the soiree where Karlyle and Ash reunited? They were at Marquis Gordon’s estate for that party after all.

And did Ash know ahead of time that Marquis Gordon was going to be there during their meeting with Marquis Frost? Or was that a stroke of luck? I feel like if Ash knew, he would have told Karlyle outright. He isn’t the type to lie by omission, especially when it comes to Karlyle.

Every time I see Marquis Gordon, I wonder if he’s actually Ash’s father. In Ash’s flashback chapter in season one, his mother states outright that Ash is his father’s son, not Sir Gordon’s. But they look so alike that it’s a little sus, if I’m being honest. I mean, you could also chalk it up to how the male characters in DTR look similar to each other overall. Kind of. Ash, however, is like a copy-paste version of his mom, though.

Anyway, I’m just rambling now, so I’ll stop. I really like this scene with Sir Gordon, Ash and Karlyle and am looking forward to seeing the continuation of their conversation next week.

Read Define the Relationship on Lezhin.


Original Title: 디파인 더 릴레이션십

Author(s): Flona / Haeyun

Artist: Chada

English Publisher: Lezhin

Audience: NSFW