Define the Relationship – Episode 80 Recap

Marquis Gordon expresses his heartfelt desire. Karlyle tries to comfort Ash with an apology. Ash begs Karlyle to be kinder to himself.

Broadcast the Buzz:

Marquis Gordon reveals the favor that he wants from Karlyle: he wants Karlyle to live a long and happy life with the child of the woman he loved the most. Karlyle readily agrees, keenly aware of the affection and longing in the marquis’ voice.

As the marquis returns to his meeting with Marquis Frost, Ash and Karlyle finally leave and go back to Ash’s home. While Ash is preparing dinner, Karlyle has a moment alone at the dinner table. He realizes how at home he feels in Ash’s place just after three weeks of being there. When he looks over at Ash, he’s acutely aware that something is still bothering his partner.

Karlyle approaches Ash, and driven by his usual instinct to make Ash feel better, he resorts to his familiar habit of apologizing. Strangely, his words seem to have the opposite effect, unsettling Ash even more. Ash firmly asserts that Karlyle has no reason to apologize; the one at fault was Marquis Frost.

Overwhelmed by emotion, Ash questions how he could not be upset when someone he holds dear is treated so unkindly. Karlyle attempts to ease Ash’s worries, explaining that he’s heard those comments before, and besides, there was some truth in his grandfather’s words.

Ash, however, remains resolute. He asserts to Karlyle that he’s so much more than what his grandfather claims. With tears in his eyes, he begs for Karlyle to treat himself with greater kindness.


I want a Marquis Gordon backstory. I want to see the star-crossed tale between him and Ash’s mother Sophia. Okay, well, maybe it wasn’t “star-crossed,” per se, because from what we know, Sophia really loved Shane (Ash’s father) from the get-go, so maybe Gordon never had a chance. Regardless, I’d seriously pay good money to read a series all about Marquis Gordon.

There’s one very, very minor thing that I didn’t like in this episode in comparison to the novel. In the novel, when the marquis excuses himself to go back to his tea time with grumpy grandpa, Sir Gordon tells Ash that they should all get together, including Natalie (Ash’s older sister). The inclusion of Ash’s sister in that comment to me spoke volumes about how Marquis Gordon really loved Sophia, so much so that he still cares for whomever she cared for in her life. It’s not just Ash, but both of her children.

I find it intriguing that he refers to Ash’s mother as the woman he loved most though. As romantic as that is, it’s kind of a slap in the face for his current/former wife. I don’t think the story (either the novel or webtoon) ever mentions whether the marquis married, but it’s safe to assume that since he’s nobility and he has a son, there is a marchioness somewhere, whether that’s current or former remains to be seen. There’s no way a man of his stature would have a child out of wedlock. But there’s no way to know.

Unless, you know, we get a Marquis Gordon backstory.


Original Title: 디파인 더 릴레이션십
Original Author: Flona
Artist: Chada
English Publisher: Lezhin
Audience: NSFW