Jinx – Episode 31

Heesung's a constant presence at the gym nowadays. Dan has more designer items than he knows what to do with. And Jaekyung doesn't know how to hold back. Like always.
Broadcast the Buzz:
Episode Recap

Team Black is ecstatic. The popular actor Choi Heesung has been coming by every day bringing everyone food and gifts. The real reason why he’s there? To see Dan and shower him with gifts, of course! When Dan asks why Heesung is doing all this, Heesung tells Dan honestly that he likes him. And our cute, naive, little Doc Dan is in disbelief. How could someone so accomplished like someone like him? (Um, hello sir, you have your doctorate in physiotherapy????)

The next day Heesung brings a large bouquet of pink roses in addition to his usual gifts. Yoongu, or “Potato” as he’s more affectionately called, is suspicious of Heesung. Seems he’s grown quite fond of Doc Dan, so Yoongu wants Dan to be careful. Another MMA fighter dismisses Yoongu’s concerns, and as they walk away, Jaekyung shows up and tells Dan its time to go home.

Back at the Team Black gym the next day, Heesung is there for one of his usual training sessions. When Heesung asks Dan if he can start treating him too, Jaekyung steps in and answers for Dan — No. As Jaekyung walks away with Dan following after him, Heesung hears the conversation between the two of them. He realizes there may be something more to their relationship than meets the eye.

Later, instead of their usual training session, Heesung requests a sparring match, and Jaekyung agrees without hesitation. However, with Jaekyung being the type of person not to know what the word “restraint” means, he ends up injuring Heesung when he blocks Heesung’s tackle instead of absorbing it.

Both Heesung’s manager and Team Black’s managers are livid — how could Jaekyung not go easy on the popular actor? They yell for Dan’s help. Dan suggests that if Heesung’s in too much pain, that they go to the hospital. Heesung, however, has another idea. How about Doc Dan just give him those regular PT sessions he suggested earlier?


Ugh. I’m a sucker for sad puppy faces, so when Jaekyung shuts Dan’s attempt at small talk down in the elevator, it made me so sad for him. I mean, just look at Dan’s face! He’s trying so hard, but Jaekyung is Jaekyung, so can anyone really be surprised when he acts like that?

As for Heesung, I do like that he brings gifts for everyone at the gym and not just for Dan. I don’t think the guys would suddenly start disliking Dan if that would’ve been the case though. I think the only person Heesung doesn’t treat with overt kindness is his manager. The poor guy must be exhausted.

I think I’m going to have to agree with Yoongu here. I don’t know if I’d go as far to say that Heesung is harboring a dark heart, but I’m certainly suspicious of his motivations. I’ve read too many stories that I can’t ever NOT be suspicious when a character is sickeningly sweet. Maybe Heesung is one of the rare people who are exactly as they appear to be. Actually, I really hope he is. I’d love for this kind-on-the-surface-but-truly-a-horrible-person-underneath trope to die.

Big picture-wise, Heesung’s existence makes me think that maybe he’s Jaekyung’s foil. Whereas Jaekyung is rough and downright rude at face value, he’s actually a kind and caring guy underneath, and while Heesung is sweet and charitable on the outside, what if he’s actually a conniving and mean guy? But if I had to choose between this and Heesung being a genuinely kind person, can I have the latter and not the former, please?

I’m really surprised with how initially unbothered Jaekyung is by Heesung showering Dan with attention and gifts. I would’ve thought he’d complain about how Heesung’s constant presence is a distraction to the gym. The only moment he steps in is when Heesung suggests Dan give him sessions too. Oh, okay Jaekyung. I see you. I’m sure Dan would be able to treat Heesung and fulfill your “needs” at the same time, but we’re just gonna pretend that’s not true, huh.

I can’t wait to see what Heesung’s plan is in the next episode. He’s already suspicious of Jaekyung’s and Dan’s relationship, so what’s he going to do? Will he try to monopolize Dan’s treatment and attention for himself? Will he expose Jaekyung… wait… actually, now that I think about it, does Heesung know about Jaekyung’s “curse”? I feel like Jaekyung’s tastes are an open secret. I can kind of recall the doctor that treated Dan that one time Jaekyung went overboard seemed to know about Jaekyung’s tastes. And I think the team manager knows too? So how well known is that information?

When I think about this manhwa, I laugh because in the first 15-ish episodes, I wasn’t liking this story much. Dan was suffering from too much misfortune, and Jaekyung was too rough with Dan. I stuck it out though because I really liked the art, and Dan and his grandma were just too cute. (She reminded me of my grandma.) Fast forward to now, and I find myself looking forward to each new release. There’s been just enough development in the characters and their relationships that I’m enjoying where this is going. I think it’s easy to tell where this story is headed in terms of Dan and Jaekyung’s relationship, but I hope it’ll continue to be a fun ride.

Series Details

Original Title: 징크스
Author/Artist: Mingwa