Jinx – Episode 35 Recap

Heesung has his heart broken but falls in love again almost immediately. Jaekyung's championship reign is called into question.
Broadcast the Buzz:

The episode picks up literally where the last left off: Jaekyung and Dan are on the couch, still in that compromising position, and Heesung has just stormed out. Dan spits out the ball gag and asks Jaekyung if someone else was there with them since he thought he heard the doo close. Jaekyung denies it, then moves Dan off of him and walks away, leaving a confused but tired Dan on the couch.

Two male characters sitting across from each other at a table

The next day at a café, Heesung comes clean and tells Dan that he lied about having back pain and that he was just using it as an excuse to keep seeing him. Dan tells Heesung that he was planning on using their meeting today to cancel their sessions anyway so he could focus more on Jaekyung. Dan also suggests that Heesung take back all the gifts; they’re too expensive and don’t suit him anyway. Heesung will find someone much better than him, Dan says.

Heesung responds that Jaekyung doesn’t deserve Dan, yet if Dan had shown any interest in him, maybe Heesung would have kept pursuing him. But as it stands, Heesung’s life is practically on the line if he were to continue. Dan, unsure of Heesung’s meaning, asks for clarification. Heesung declares: “I’m pretty sure Jaekyung has feelings for you,” leaving Dan speechless and in disbelief.

Back in his car, Heesung wonders whether Dan has reciprocal feelings for Jaekyung. He thinks back to the time he took Dan shopping, and Dan was looking at a pair of glasses, not for himself, but for Jaekyung. Then, his thoughts turn to what he witnessed the night prior. Heesung opines that Jaekyung is too big and scary to be throwing tantrums and insists to himself that he must never let Dan know he saw him in such a state.

Sometime later, a few Team Black fighters run into a drunk Heesung at a nearby pocha. He invites them to drink with him and ends up outdrinking them all. Heesung asks Yoongu, the only other person still conscious at the table, what he thinks love is. He confesses that he’s an avoidant lover: when someone likes him more, he tires of them, and when he likes someone, they leave.

Heesung’s situation makes Yoongu think of his own feelings of love. He cheer-yells (the best way I can describe it lol) at Heesung, telling him there’s nothing wrong with supporting the person he loves, even if he has no chance. Yoongu ends up in tears that even he doesn’t understand, and something clicks inside of Heesung while watching his reaction. Yoongu isn’t normally his type but maybe…? He invites the young fighter back to his place for a nightcap.

Elsewhere, Jaekyung’s at home, being moody. Sitting in the living room looking out at his view, he questions why he’s been acting the way he has, particularly the recent events with Heesung. His thoughts are interrupted by a text on his phone. It’s a reporter asking for a comment on a recently published article. When Jaekyung opens the link, the article’s headline reads: “[Exclusive] MFC Champion Joo Jaekyung’s Critical Shoulder Injury — Are His Days Numbered?”

My Takeaways

Doesn’t it feel like I just wrote about episode 34? Well, I did have my reasons for doing that one so late. This episode, though, was a lot easier to stomach than the last, so I feel like I can write about this one without wanting to throw my laptop out the window in frustration.

We get a tiny reminder this episode that Jaekyung does indeed have a conscience. It’s always nice to see proof that he’s not a complete and totally irrevocable asshole. Remember how I said I wanted to see Jaekyung get taken down a few notches? I didn’t expect it to start the literal next episode. I mean… yeah, I was hoping for it but never thought it would actually happen.

Rumors that he’s facing career-ending injury? I was expecting some kind of challenger to Jaekyung’s title or something. But injury rumors? Whew. And apparently, the news comes from an anonymous source at the hospital. I’m sure there’s some kind of equivalent to HIPPA in South Korea. No way people can “anonymously” source private health information of famous people just for ~funsies~. It’s going to be interesting to see where this goes.

Because of my experience with other webtoons, I’ve been waiting for Heesung’s “reveal” — you know, the moment where the seemingly good character turns out to be an evil bastard? I’ve been burned one too many times that I always suspect the good ones to be bad. But maybe that turn is never coming for Heesung? I’ll be so glad if this holds. I like Heesung. He might actually be my favorite character of this whole manhwa. I think he’s a good person, despite his questionable habits in relationships. He seems to genuinely care for Dan and considers him and Jaekyung to be actual friends.

And I didn’t know how much I needed a Heesung-Yoongu pairing until now?!?!?! This is quite unexpected and cute. Also, consider me completely naïve for not considering that Yoongu could have romantic feelings for Jaekyung. Totally didn’t see it that way at all.


Ooh… new section. I don’t think I’ve explicitly discussed my predictions for the next episode of any manhwa I cover, but I think this episode calls for it.

Jaekyung’s going to be livid about the article. He’ll be downright pissed (as he should be since it’s an invasion of his private health information) about the rumors, and he’ll want to know who from the hospital said that. He’ll probably go after the reporter too, knowing him.

Dan will somehow blame himself and make it his job, even more so than he does now, to ensure that Jaekyung is healthy and in top condition. How he does that remains to be seen because I have no idea what he could do differently. He basically lives his life for the guy already, so what more could he do?

I predict someone will come out of the shadows and challenge Jaekyung for his title after hearing about the injury rumors. In his haste to prove his detractors wrong, Jaekyung will agree to the fight. And lose. His first loss of his championship career and it will hit him HARD…. no pun intended.

Read Jinx on Lezhin

Series Details

Original Title: 징크스
Author/Artist: Mingwa
English Publisher: