Our Sunny Days – Episode 12 Recap

Sung Ho and Haebom deepen their connection. Haebom shares his tragic past, detailing loss and betrayal that led to his isolation. Sung Ho is captivated by Haebom's eyes.
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Episode Recap

Sung Ho checks on Haebom who’s in the bathroom cleaning up after Sung Ho’s daughter threw up on him. He tells the village head that he’s going to do the dishes then head home. Panicked, Haebom barge out of the washroom, holding only a towel to himself for modesty. There was no way he was going to allow Sung Ho, someone who has never lived without a sink before, to do the dishes at his home.

After finally putting on some clothes, Haebom starts on the dishes and coyly asks if Sung Ho will stay the night. The baby is already asleep, after all. As long as Haebom lets him help with the dishes, Sung Ho agrees.

While the two wash their plates, Sung Ho mentions the day’s earlier events. Guessing what Sung Ho probably heard from the women, Haebom begins telling the young father about how his mother always put others before herself. One day, a neighbor that she had lent money to had set fire to her house and ran away. Even though that neighbor was later caught, his mother never made it out. After that event, Haebom began hating the neighborhood and the very people that surrounded him. But he’s still there in the same village because it’s all he’s ever known.

Haebom ends up splashing soapy water into Sung Ho’s eyes. When he checks to see whether Sung Ho is okay, their close proximity leads Sung Ho to realize that Haebom’s eyes are blue. Caught in the moment, Sung Ho kisses Haebom. Shocked at his own actions, Sung Ho freaks out and excuses himself to wash his face.

Later, the three have turned in for the night. Well, Sung Ho and his daughter have. Haebom is wide awake because his heart won’t stop thundering in his chest. Looking over at Sung Ho’s sleeping form, Haebom remembers Sung Ho’s words from earlier about not wanting him to be alone.

Haebom turns onto his side, away from the sleeping dad and baby, a few tears fall and he sniffles.

My Takeaways

This webtoon is going to be the death of me. It’s too cute; my heart can’t take it.

I’ve had a sneaking suspicion for a while now that Haebom has led a lonely life. I didn’t expect there to be so much tragedy in it too. After the mention of his mom in the previous episode, I had assumed that she lived a long life and died from old age, leaving everything to Haebom. I’d never guess that she was murdered by her own neighbor.

Sung Ho’s comment the previous episode of not wanting Haebom to feel alone has so much more weight behind it now, so I totally get why such an admission made a proud, big, burly man such as Haebom cry.

To me, the kiss wasn’t even that big of a deal. I mean, it was a little forced in my opinion… but it was still cute, nonetheless.

But Haebom waddling out of the bathroom with his pants around his ankles… Homeboy really couldn’t pull those sweats up in a second before he barged outside? Really? I get it though. Whenever a guest does something that I as the host feels they shouldn’t, I have an immediate reaction too.

Another thing about Haebom that I haven’t discussed yet is his pointed ears. Not only that, but his eyes even seem almost an unnatural blue for the setting of this story. It stands out to me even more so now that we’ve seen what he looked like when he was younger!

I mean, I could excuse it as the reflection from the fire at night is why his eyes look different. But it’s just odd to me. As much as I love stories that have a supernatural or fantastical element to them, I hope that isn’t the case for Our Sunny Days. I love how realistic and down to earth this story is. It’s a part of what makes it so homely. If they were to throw in some kind of fantastical element, I’d be disappointed. I’d keep reading, but it would take away a lot of this webtoon’s charm.

I’m already suspending my disbelief over the fact that Sung Ho’s daughter is supposed to be a year old. Please don’t make me have to believe more stuff that don’t really fit the narrative.

Read Our Sunny Days on Lezhin


Original Title: 해 뜨는 집

Author/Artist: Jeong Seok-Chan

English Publisher: Lezhin US

Audience: NSFW