Our Sunny Days – Episode 7 Recap

Haebom wants English classes for the community's elders. Sung Ho makes the perfect catch. And Yeonju offers some yummy treats in exchange for friendship.
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Episode Recap

Haebom visits the Civil Complaints department to inquire about the absence of an English class in this quarter’s community center program. His imposing presence makes the clerk nervous, preventing her from adequately responding. Her supervisor steps in to save her and clarifies that the elders haven’t mastered Korean yet, so introducing another language isn’t feasible right now.

As their superior and the village head walk out of the department, the remaining staff begin gossiping about Haebom. They mention that he’s wealthy and owns quite a lot of land. However, they assume that he might be a poor judge of character since, despite the wealth, he’s been scammed a few times.

At home, Sung Ho is talking on the phone while cooking. He’s chatting away in English while he cooks, and the baby is a few feet away, sitting on the deck in her bumbo chair. Sudden movement at the front gate catches her attention.

It’s Yeonju, who quickly ducks away to avoid being seen. At the same time, Haebom drives past Sung Ho’s place and sees the youngster at the gate. He asks the little boy what he’s doing there, and Yeonju explains that he wants to give Sung Ho and the baby some banana milk he got at lunch.

Both Haebom and Yeonju then peek into the yard, and the baby spots them both. Excited by the company, she leans forward, nearly tipping herself out of her chair. Haebom quickly springs to action to catch her, but Sung Ho is already there, grabbing the baby before she falls. He’s surprised to see Haebom and Yeonju in his front yard; he doesn’t understand why they’re there but he offers them some ramen anyway.

Inside, Yeonju explains that his grandmother taught him to always do his best whenever he apologizes. He hands Sung Ho two bottles of banana milk as an apology and also asks if they can be friends. Yeonju’s kindness brings a tear to Sung Ho’s eyes. Now that he’s a father, seeing a good kid like Yeonju makes him emotional.

Yeonju asks what the baby’s name and gender is. Reminded of his task, Haebom pulls out his phone to review the list of names he’s gathered. Sung Ho, at the same time, tells Yeonju that his baby doesn’t have a name and that she’s a girl. The gender reveal shocks Haebom into dropping his phone.

My Takeaways

I know I’ve already used “she/her” as the baby’s pronouns, so I kind of ruined that reveal for anyone who isn’t already reading the manhwa themselves. Sorry! To me, she looked like a girl from the get go, so I just assumed, but I guess that’s the point, right? One shouldn’t assume a baby’s gender (or, well, anyone’s gender, really).

I don’t have kids, but I can definitely relate to how Sung Ho gets verklempt whenever he meets a good kid. Yeonju’s already dealt with so much tragedy in his short life, so it really wouldn’t have come as a surprise if he turned out to be a “difficult” child, but like Sung Ho said in a previous episode, it’s obvious Yeonju has good adults around him. I really don’t know how much more fluffy, heartfelt moments and characters from this webtoon I can take before my heart explodes.

And the English classes for the elders. I think we all know where that’s going to go, now that we’ve seen Sung Ho speaking in perfect English. I mean, he’s also looking for a job to support his little family, so being a teacher fits. Not sure if he’ll be able to bring his daughter with him to work, but I can think of one person who wouldn’t mind watching her (and whom Sung Ho would trust) while he’s teaching. Otherwise, he could always carry her around the classroom in that wrap he wears.

Read Our Sunny Days on Lezhin


Original Title: 해 뜨는 집

Author/Artist: Jeong Seok-Chan

English Publisher: Lezhin US

Audience: NSFW