Define the Relationship – Epilogue

Karlyle is too damn cute. Ash wants to use pet names. And the painting finally comes full circle.
Broadcast the Buzz:

{ Original Title: 디파인 더 릴레이션십 | Publisher: Lezhin | Audience: Mature }

I’ve seen a few readers freak out about episodes 70 and 71 being labeled as the epilogue. If I thought that these two episodes were the last I’d see of Ash and Karlyle, I’d be freaking out too! The great news is the webcomic up to this point has only covered three out of the seven volumes that make up DTR. These episodes are rightfully called the epilogue because it’s the end of the main story, and thankfully, there’s so much more to come in the side stories. But for now, let’s take a look at how our two favorite alphas are doing now that they have officially defined their relationship.

It’s the first week of January, just a day or two after the ending of the main story. Karlyle is staying with Ash while he’s looking for a new place to live, and as much as he enjoys spending so much time with Ash, Karlyle is worried that maybe he’s being a bit too clingy so early in their relationship.

He’s deep in thought on the couch when Ash interrupts him, saying that he wants to set a few ground rules for their relationship. Nothing too serious, of course. After all, they’re together for real now and don’t need a lot of rules. First, Ash wants to establish pet names for each other. Karlyle, however, isn’t so sure that’s a good idea. It’s not that he doesn’t like it, it’s just that it’s too risky. Calling Ash “Sweetheart” or “Honey” will make him want to propose to him immediately.

The second rule is to be honest with each other. Ash wants Karlyle to tell him what he’s thinking, unless it’s too difficult for him to do so. This is such an important rule for Karlyle. We know how much he internalizes just about everything, so Ash encouraging him to share his thoughts is not only for Karlyle’s benefit but for the health and benefit of their relationship.

Before the two of them can get too frisky on the couch, Karlyle manages to pull himself away from Ash’s grip. He tells Ash that he has something to give him. And finally, after months of waiting, Karlyle gives Ash the Philip Whitewood painting.

We know from season two that Ash is already aware Karlyle was in possession of the painting. Kyle had given him the piece of art when he had visited their house to try and convince Kyle and Nick to let him see Karlyle again. At that time, however, Ash asked him to take the painting back because he wanted to receive it directly from Karlyle.

And now he has.

What I love about this moment is that Ash doesn’t mention how Kyle already showed him the painting. Some may see this as withholding or even lying to Karlyle, but I don’t think that’s the case at all. Because to admit that he’s already seen the painting would have lessened the joy of this moment for Karlyle. By looking at Karlyle’s face, you can tell just how much being able to gift this painting to Ash means to him. This moment is as much for Karlyle as it is for Ash. Karlyle admits that he originally went searching for this painting for the sole purpose of making Ash happy.

I’m shedding tears because LOOK AT KARLYLE’S SMILE. I would commit crimes just to see this kind of smile from him. It’s so pure and so beautiful and so real. I just can’t get over it. This is the most genuine smile that we’ve seen from Karlyle in the entirety of DTR thus far.

Ash tells Karlyle that the complicated story he had briefly mentioned at Sir Gordon’s residence is wrapped up in this one painting. Karlyle is curious to know more but doesn’t want to intrude. So Ash makes a deal: he’ll tell him about the story contained within the painting and then next time, Lyle can tell him more about his own past.

The two of them make their way upstairs and as they go, Karlyle asks Ash what he was thinking about earlier on the couch. Ash admits that it’s too early in the day to say aloud and that if he did, it would make him a pervert. Karlyle scolds Ash for calling himself such a derogatory term, but oh, ho, ho…. our sweet little naive Karlyle. You’re going to learn rather quickly just how much of a shameless man Ash really is.

*wiggles eyebrows*

Ugh. I just love these two so much.

It feels like I’ve said this a hundred times by now, but I’m so excited for the side stories to be illustrated. I’m actually in the middle of “reading” Volume 5 (I use the term “reading” loosely because I still don’t know enough Korean on my own so I’m still relying on MTL), so even though I’m a little ahead, I wouldn’t be surprised if the webtoon catches up to me quickly. Either way, there’s still more Karlyle and Ash to come and that’s really all that matters.

Read Define the Relationship on Lezhin.