My Happy Marriage (Anime) – Episode 5

In this episode, I almost feel bad for Kaya. Almost. And Kazushi shows that maybe he's a pretty good older brother after all.
Broadcast the Buzz:

{ Original Title: わたしの幸せな結婚 | Streaming: Netflix }

CW // episode & series spoilers, drugs, physical abuse

As we saw last episode, Minoru has plans to get his metaphorical hands on Miyo, and Kaya is just who he needs to do it. He meets with her in his office and tells her how well her older sister is doing and even shows her a photo of Kudo and Miyo together.

Kaya realizes the beautiful man she saw the other day was Kiyoka Kudo. Now, she wants to be the one engaged to him. How dare Miyo have a better fiancé! She will never forgive Miyo for that!


She tells Minoru not to worry because she’ll talk to her father and all will work out. I almost feel sorry for Kaya. Almost. She’s being easily manipulated to do exactly what Minoru wants, and she’s too stupid to realize it.

Kudo and Godo are on the way to the Kudo residence, since Miyo invited Godo to a thank you dinner. She wanted to express her gratitude to Godo for his involvement with bringing Hana to her. I know Godo is Kudo’s subordinate, but the Commander is so rough with the dude. He literally kicks him out of the car when they arrive. The two men are greeted by an absolutely stunning and glowing Miyo. She’s so beautiful that it literally takes Kudo’s breath away.

THE BLUSH THO?!?!?!!!! And this guy is supposed to be some cold-hearted meanie?! Look at that face! Anyway, Kudo and Godo enjoy the meal that Miyo made. In fact, Godo enjoys it so much that he even suggests that Miyo marry him instead. She, of course, politely declines. She prefers her current fiancé, thank you very much.

At the Saimori household, Kaya is not having a very successful conversation with her father. For once, Shinichi is denying a request from his precious daughter. Kaya’s frustrated and flabbergasted; why isn’t he listening to her? Shinichi reaches his limit and tells her to drop it and that she should instead be taking lessons on how to be a good wife. Oh, if only it were that simple.

Back at the Kudo estate, Miyo’s hunched over a table asleep. She’s in the middle of yet another nightmare, when Kudo enters the room. He sees that she’s having a difficult time in her dream, and he also realizes that he can sense the presence of a supernatural ability. But the barrier to the estate hasn’t been breached, so who could have possibly…? He wakes Miyo and calms her down. Kudo tells her that she can depend on him and if anything bothers her, to let him know.

Later on, Koji is walking home and spots some suspicious-looking characters in front of the estate. He instantly knows this is something to do with his father and Kaya. He finds the two in his father’s office and confronts them. They tell him they’re going to switch fiancés by getting Miyo to reject Kudo’s marriage proposal. It’s the only way to get Miyo into the Tatsuishi family, like how it was supposed to be. This is what Minoru has to do, and he’s doing it for the family, something Koji will never understand. Angry, Koji uses his powers (totally didn’t know he had any) to throw office furniture at his dad. His father, however, quickly subdues him. Koji is left behind, defeated and hopeless, tied up on the ground in his father’s office.

However, the eldest Tatsuishi son appears and unties his brother. Kazushi isn’t sure why Koji even tried to challenge their father, but he reminds Koji that there must be somewhere that he needs to be. You know, even if Kazushi shirks his “Eldest son of the Tatsuishi family” duties, it’s obvious that he really cares for his little brother. And I think that’s really sweet. Especially since their dad is an asshole. The brothers at least should care for each other.

Elsewhere, Miyo and Yurie prepare to visit Kudo at his work. She’s wearing another one of the new kimonos that Kudo had gifted her, and Yurie suggests that she wear a matching purse to go with it. Miyo agrees and the two leave… not realizing that she doesn’t have the amulet that Kudo told her to always keep with her.

The pair deliver lunch to Kudo, who seems very busy but still very, very happy to see Miyo and Yurie. He has to go back to work, so he can’t take them back himself. They assure him that it’s fine, and as they’re getting ready to leave, Miyo realizes that she, in fact, didn’t bring the charm with her. Worried, Yurie suggests that they get back home as quickly as possible, but on their way home, they’re attacked by two LITERALLY INVISIBLE assailants. Miyo is forced into a car and drugged. As Miyo passes out, the car speeds away, leaving Yurie on the ground, yelling after her.

Yurie returns to Kudo’s office and tells him Miyo has been kidnapped. She wasn’t protected because Miyo actually didn’t have the charm like she thought she did. Then suddenly, a commotion outside grabs Kudo’s attention. It’s Koji and he’s begging for help. He can’t save Miyo on his own.

Knowing what I know about the storyline, I’m gonna have a really hard time watching the next episode. It’s been difficult to watch the abuse that Miyo has already faced from her family, but if the physical abuse from her step-mother and Kaya are just as bad as it is in the manga, it’s going to be really hard to witness. But I take solace in knowing the step-mother, Kaya, and her father get what’s coming to them. Oh, Minoru too. Fuck all of them, honestly.

Watch My Happy Marriage on Netflix.