The Apothecary Diaries, Episode 14: ‘The New Pure Consort’ Reaction

Maomao shares trade secrets. Jinshi really wants to know what’s in the wagon. And Lihaku feels the burn.
Broadcast the Buzz:

I am S C R E A M I N G. There was an unexpected new face this week, one that I was not anticipating until much later in the series. His appearance alone made this episode worth viewing. But before I get in to that, let’s look at the rest of the episode first.

Episode 14 encompasses manga chapters 23-24 and light novel chapters 1-2 of the second volume. What I learned just now as I reviewed the source material is the light novel has the warehouse mystery prior to the consorts’ education. In terms of the overall plot, the flip in these two events doesn’t matter, but I just found it really interesting that they were switched in the first place.

Despite the change in order, the events mirrored the source material almost panel-to-panel. Any changes or additions this episode were fairly minor, which made the episode feel a little lacking compared to all the new content we got last episode.

First, in the anime, Jinshi tells Maomao about the request for her to teach the consorts when she visits his office to clean it after Suiren reminds her of her duties. In the manga, Jinshi approaches Maomao during his usual breakfast time, still in his pajamas, to talk to Maomao. I preferred the way that the manga approached this scene only because it served as a great reminder of what Maomao’s role currently is. She works as Jinshi’s servant at his residence, so she doesn’t only see him when he’s working in his office.

The next relatively minor change was Jinshi’s reaction to Gaoshun giving Maomao the cape. Okay, I had a couple of issues with this scene (and maybe it’s more of a translation problem than anything). For one, Maomao is in Jinshi’s office in the first place because she’s tasked with bringing the unneeded paperwork to the burn pit. Consider me dense, but I don’t think the scene properly conveyed that part.

Then, Jinshi’s disapproval is more evident and hilarious in the manga. In the anime, he just groans when Maomao thanks Gaoshun for the cape. Look at the manga and episode screenshot below and tell me that Jinshi’s reaction is the same in both. In the anime, he just looks bored, not annoyed. I know I’m being super nitpicky here, but when am I not? At least they did Gaoshun’s panicky backtracking well.

The last nitpicky difference I want to call out this episode is we get to see both the cat version of Maomao (left, below) and the puppy version of Lihaku (right, below) in the manga during the warehouse investigation. I’m a little surprised they left this out, as minor as it is. I do like how they added Likhaku grabbing Maomao by the collar, as if he were grabbing a kitten by the scruff, but I missed seeing a literal puppy-face on Lihaku later in the scene.

Now, as far as brand new material, Lakan investigating the scene of the fire isn’t in the source material. But I think this was a really smart addition. It may not be that big of a deal now, but this is just another instance of the animators adding depth to the characters and the coming events. The gradual introduction of Lakan is much better than his sudden appearance in the source material.

Also brand new was Loulan’s entrance. I loved seeing her arrive at the inner court, but in particular, I liked seeing how she handles the Pure Consort crown. Last we saw the garnet crown, Ah-duo was carefully and respectfully handing it back to Jinshi prior to her leaving the court. How Loulan enters her new chambers and literally tosses the crown is such a simple action that said so much with so little.

From other reactions for this episode I’ve come across so far, I see that people were a little bored. I can see why; the warehouse mystery wasn’t all that exciting. I remember the first time I read it myself, I was also uninterested in it and sped-read through it. But things are really only going to pick up from here. (I know I keep saying that, but I mean it!) I guarantee you that by the end of the season, people are going to re-watch these seemingly boring scenes with a new perspective.

From the previews of next episode, I see that Basen makes an appearance. I can’t wait to see him interact with Maomao during this next mystery. Also, it looks like Lakan will make his official appearance, which means that he’ll finally interact with the main cast of characters. From the preview and from the Christmas Day trailer, it seems like Lakan approaches Gaoshun first, which is definitely not something he does in the manga or light novel.

Now, let’s talk about the reason why this episode got me so excited.


Oh. My. God. Rikuson.



I wasn’t joking when I said I was screaming. When he showed up on the screen, I literally yelled loud enough to scare my dog.

Rikuson is Lakan’s assistant… or well, more like his minder… hence why we see him looking for Lakan at the remnants of the warehouse fire. Rikuson is not supposed to appear this early in the series. To give you an idea, in the source material, Rikuson doesn’t make his first appearance until light novel volume 5. That’s a little more than 50 chapters from where we currently are in the show. In fact, he’s so far into the series that he hasn’t even made an appearance even in the manga yet!

And if Rikuson is here, that means Lahan has to be around too. They appear together in volume 5, so I personally think it wouldn’t make sense to have Rikuson around but not Lahan. Even if it’s just a brief appearance, I really hope they bring him in early too.

But I really do think it should be a brief appearance. Maybe they’ll show a conversation between Rikuson and Lahan or Lakan and Lahan…. or even all three together! If they do any more than that, like have them already involved with Maomao, I’d be disappointed because that’s too much of a change from the source material. Lahan has no reason to interact with Maomao right now. Rikuson doesn’t either, so if this is the only time we get to see him all this season, I’m satisfied.

I mentioned last time that Gaoshun is my favorite character in all of Apothecary Diaries. Rikuson is a close second. Rikuson’s interactions with Maomao are just the best, and the effect he has on Jinshi is *chef’s kiss*. He’s a fascinating character all on his own, and I’m so, so happy to see him this early!