The Ghost’s Nocturne – Episode 43-46 Recap

Jaeshin reveals valuable information about the former queen. Lee Nok tries to look on the bright side of possibly disgraced. The story behind one of the three ghouls is revealed.
Broadcast the Buzz:

The Ghost’s Nocturne is the reason why I’m so behind on all my recaps. Why? Because this series broke my brain.

Episode 43 was solely focused on intimate scenes, and I had no idea what to write in my recap. I barely managed to eke out a recap for episode 42 when they were just getting started, and then this episode had even more explicit content. I put the episode aside to re-think my approach, and before I knew it, several weeks had passed and now I’m multiple episodes behind.

I’m also behind with covering the premiere of Between Fate and Fortune for the very same reason. It’s not that I have a problem with explicit scenes; I wouldn’t be reading these webtoons if I did. I just don’t think it necessary for me to do a play-by-play of an episode that centers around sex. Plus, the glory of The Ghost’s Nocturne uncensored art should be seen not just talked about.

With that said, I’ve decided that whenever I encounter an episode that’s filled with explicit material, I’ll postpone my recap until the following episode when the plot is back on track. This might result in a brief delay, maybe 2 to 3 episodes, but at least that results in no recap gaps. So here we go!


EPISODES 43-44 – The crown prince admits that he wanted his father to be proud of him but knows that he ruined his chance with his behavior at the Gusikrye. Jaeshin commiserates with Nok, almost revealing that his own father turned him into a puppy.

Switching subjects, Jaeshin tells the crown prince about his mother. She’s been reincarnated into a loving family, so he doesn’t have to worry about her. His words bring tears to Nok’s eyes, and as he cries, Jaeshin sits beside him in silence.

EPISODE 45 – His Majesty is in a conundrum. His advisors are split on how to punish the crown prince and none of them are backing down.

Elsewhere, Kyungjoon is visiting with the crown prince. Geumdong, sleeping in Nok’s lap, gets increasingly annoyed as he listens to their conversation. Kyungjoon apologizes for his behavior the other night at the tavern. Nok asks for Kyungjoon not be so hard on Jaeshin, and as he listens in, Geumdong decides to fast track his investigation on the three ghouls haunting the prince.

EPISODE 46 – During his investigation, Jaeshin ends up at the Jeong residence. He learns of a sickly girl who fell in love at first sight with a man from another much wealthier family. After being betrayed, the girl disappears, only to be found later as a charred corpse. The only way the family was able to identify her was by the jade promise rings she was gifted by her fiance.

After being given those very same jade rings, Jaeshin walks home and who does he run into but none other than Kyungjoon.


I’ve thought this whenever we see the King, but doesn’t he look sickly? Sure, everyone’s pale in this series, but at least most characters have a tint to them and aren’t paper-white pale a la The Pizza Delivery Man and the Golden Palace. His Majesty, however, looks ghostly. I wouldn’t be surprised if the queen has some kind of hex on him that’s making him sick, but he really does look ill, curse or not.

Anyway, episode 44 has my whole heart. It just might be my new favorite episode, for obvious reasons. Jaeshin’s character growth! Be still my beating heart! What Jaeshin did, telling Nok about his mother’s reincarnation, was not for his own direct benefit. You could argue that it helps his goal of winning the crown prince’s heart. But! Nok never asked him to what he did.

Think about it: to learn this information, he had to ask his brothers for help, which Jaeshin is loath to do. He did it completely unprompted. Now, if that isn’t a sign of his growing affection for Lee Nok, I don’t know what is.

Lastly, as adorable as I think the crown prince and Geumdong’s relationship is, it makes me especially sad to think that Nok is going to lose the puppy eventually. The eventual reveal that Geumdong is Jaeshin will happen sooner or later, and I’m interested to find out how the author solves the puppy “problem.” Because yes, the assumption is that in the end, Jaeshin and Nok will be together, but that also means Nok loses his furry little companion. Geumdong’s existence has gotten Nok through some pretty tough moments. No matter how much I love the idea of our two male leads together, I’m still a little sad that Jaeshin’s puppy form will eventually be no more.

Be sure to catch The Ghost’s Nocturne on Lezhin


Original Title: 귀야곡
Author: Ananas
Artist: CR Jade
Publisher: Lezhin
Audience: NSFW