Weekly Raw Roundup – 08.27 – 09.02

Take a peak at the newest raw episodes for the week of August 27th to September 9th. Warning: spoilers ahead!
Broadcast the Buzz:

As I’ve mentioned before, I buy the raw versions (aka the original Korean releases of webcomics) the day they’re released and use MTL to understand the episode’s events. However, I wait until the official English release before I discuss it here on Stray Semicolon.

This week, after a flurry of releases, I realized that I still want some place to squeal about the art or events in the newest episodes. I’m hoping this Weekly Raw Roundup will come in handy for that exact purpose. I don’t know if this is something I’ll continue doing (it was honestly quite a bit of work just to do this one), but I thought I’d at least try it out.

This means that if you only follow the English versions of the webtoons, you will 100% be spoiled by anything you see in this post. I’ll take an extra step and hide everything under a details tag, in hopes it’ll prevent anyone from being accidentally spoiled. I know that means an extra click to get to the content, but I think it’s worth it.


(Click the title to expand the content)

Between Fate and Fortune – Episode 34

For the first few episodes of season two, Taeseok and Dojun have been non-stop cute together. Honestly, this episode was actually a nice change from last week. Last episode, we got a glimpse into Taeseok’s traumatic past, so I’ll take all the fluff that I can get.

I hope this cutesy vibe lasts for a looooong time, especially because I think they both deserve it. Anyway, look at Taeseok eating the breakfast that Dojun made for him. I honestly don’t know what looks better: Taeseok or the croque madam he’s eating.

Beware the Ides of March – Episode 54

Nakwon is still staying with Mokhwa, and the two of them have been arguing over their meals. So this time Mokhwa comes home with some meat for dinner in an attempt to shut Nakwon up. Nakwon gets excited and starts blabbing away about how he’s going to cook it and that they need veggies, etc. Mokhwa, seeing how happy Nakwon is, thinks to himself it was a good idea to buy the meat.

The best part of this episode though is the beginning. When the two are riding the train home, Nakwon reaches out to grab Mokhwa’s hand… and Mokhwa takes it??????? I almost thought it was a dream sequence!!!

Dawn, Clouds, River / Dawn of the Dragon – Episode 36

I’m cryingggggggg. This is probably the first genuinely caring touch that our baby Hyo-un has ever experienced in his short life. He was so scared of Taehyuk at first… and with the experience he had with the villagers, who could blame him? He didn’t want Taehyuk to touch him, and Hyo-un didn’t eat any of the food Taehyuk left for him either.

It wasn’t until our baby dragon fell asleep that Taehyuk was able to tend to Hyo-un’s wounds. When Hyo-un wakes up in the middle of it, he freaks out and cowers in fear. It’s only then that Taehyuk’s able to comfort Hyo-un by rubbing his back.

Define the Relationship – Episode 74

LOOK AT CHIBI SAD PUPPY KARLYLE!!! I have nothing else to add. I don’t even remember most of the episode because this is all that mattered to me.

Just kidding! Ash finally tells Karlyle why he’s been holding back from having sex with him: Ash remembers making Karlyle cry the last time they were together. And he’s not confident he’ll be able to hold himself back from doing something similar again. Karlyle’s not too happy with that reasoning (hence the sad puppy face).

Although I think that’s really sweet of Ash??? He knows how sensitive Karlyle is, so he’s being super cautious. How can anyone really be mad about that?

Honey Bear – Episode 28

If I make the raw roundup a regular thing, it will be the only time you’ll get to see Honey Bear on my blog because it only has a Korean version. I’d give my left kidney for Lezhin or Tappytoon or Tapas to pick up Honey Bear for the English translation. IT’S SO GOOD Y’ALL. The art and the humor are top notch; it’s probably the best I’ve ever seen… no exaggeration.

Now, I don’t usually choose a panel to feature where the characters are geTtinG iT On, but that’s basically all this episode was. It’s a big deal though since this is their first time together. If you can, check out the reader comments on Ridibooks for this episode. They are too funny.

Minmotion – Episode 67

Ah, I know I haven’t covered Minmotion yet on the blog, but I plan to! It is one of the webtoons that I follow pretty closely, so of course I had to include it in my roundup.

Jae-in is about three months pregnant here? I know these are chibi characters, but I love seeing Jae-in with chubby cheeks from being pregnant. I do wish we got to see at least a little bit of what happened before the three month time skip. I would have loved to see Jae-in’s reaction to Taeyoon waking up from his coma.

The Ghost’s Nocturne – Episode 47

Earlier in the episode, Jaeshin runs into Kyung-joon, and it looks like a pretty heated discussion. I honestly didn’t try to MTL the conversation because MTL tends to get the translation very wrong for anything involving ancient Korea or using imperial terminology. Kyung-joon ends up being pushed to the ground by Jaeshin during the argument, so yeah… not good.

I’m quite enjoying how CR Jade has been changing up Jaeshin’s outfits and hairstyles this season. In full transparency, I’m not a fan of Jaeshin’s original hairstyle, so seeing it made up in different ways makes me so happy. At the end of this episode, Jaeshin offers to take the crown prince on a night walk… and that could either be really good or really bad.

The Pizza Delivery Guy and the Golden Palace – Episode 52

This is another manhwa I’ve yet to cover on the blog, but one that I follow closely. Woowon was just way too cute this episode. Woowon is at his modeling gig, and Seo-an came to visit him. He gets distracted when he sees a good-looking female approach Seo-an, which results in this panel. Woo-won becoming a big blushing and klutzy blob as Seo-an looks on in embarassment.

I believe the woman that approached Seo-an is one of his friends that we saw last season though, so Woowon really has nothing to worry about. They seemed close enough for her to joke around and even give Seo-an the finger lol. That’s how you know they’re good friends.

That’s it for my first ever Weekly Raw Roundup! Let me know what you think!